Wednesday 27 July 2011

The sands of time

   With each step we take in life, we make giant strides towards achieving our ultimate goals in life - reaching our destiny.For some becoming a doctor or an engineer is their destiny,for some going abroad to study or work while for some others,death is their destiny.These last category people are the one's who adopt a life of solitude and selfless service and devotion of their lives to the Almighty.Leading the lives of monks and nuns.But do you think god gave you this life to just wait for a quiet peaceful shadow of death to come over and take your soul one day to Him? Is that what you think is the Destiny planned by the Almighty for you.I would fail to agree

   God gave us this life to go out and see the world,to admire his creations, to add to the existing miracles in the world, to make an indelible mark for yourself in this world.The footsteps maybe small but the impression should be deep enough for your future generations to admire and adore.A few wrinkles on your hand, formed as a part of your creation in the womb of an angel, cannot determine your destiny in life.You are the greatest creation of the greatest architect of the universe and you need to prove His belief in creating you correct.It is only when you aim for the stars that you at least land on the moon (moon supports life which the stars dont).

   It is never too late to make a fresh start, never have your feet grown too big or too old to leave that print in the sand of life.You just need to make a move and have your faith in Him.Coz its never that He has abandoned you in your times of need and desperation.His prints cannot be seen beside yours because He is carrying you...


  1. I tell you, the life of a nun which may to you seem like nothing much to accomplish may, after all, not be so easy. It takes a lot of courage and dedication to choose that path. And not everyone is born into that way of life, some are lead into it by life, and things that happen in their life.

    I think everyone has a destiny. The Mallayas and Birlas and Tatas are meant to be wealthy and succesful entrepreneurs providing food and jobs for many, the Einsteins and Zuckerbergs are meant for inventions and discoveries that make our life simpler, the Picasos and Shaws for entertainment and aesthetic development, similarly the monks and the nuns to make the world a better place, either by being it or by not being in it in the capacity that they inhabitated it earlier. For some, that way is a life changing decision.

    And yes, moon supports life, science says so. There has been evidence of frozen water on it. :)

  2. I had to tell you this, read it somewhere today - You can't make footprints in the sand by sitting on your butt, and who wants to make buttprints anyway? LOL!!

  3. Seriously!!! Thats what you could come up with!!!
