Friday 29 July 2011

The Parents' Diary

   There are certain moments in life which are worth preserving in life.Like how I wish I had someone with a handy cam filming the moment when I was born.As I was passed on from my mom to dad to grandparents-maternal and paternal.How I wish I could get a look at those joy-filled faces as they got a look at their prized possession in that small over-crowded hospital room.From that day on, life has never been the same for my parents.

   Till that day, they were content living a slow and quiet life in a small peaceful yet beautiful city and being content with whatever they had.But now with friends and relatives pouring in from all parts of the country and abroad, they had to make room for everyone and look after every individual's comfort in that small 2-bedroom company provided house they called Home.In short, life has been a breeze for them.Sometimes it took the form of a tornado which left a lot of destruction as it passed over us but they were too strong individuals to be shaken up by a mere wind.And thus we lived on to see so many happy and memorable moments in our lives.

   My parents were more than content tending to one kid in the house but I needed a sibling and I can be really pushy when I want to.My sister was born six years after my birth on a very auspicious day - the 25th of December- and I can safely conclude that 'She is the best thing that's ever been mine.' Fair as an angel with the looks of a princess, she taught me the pleasures in sharing and caring, the joy of gifting with the last penny you save and the magic of love even when you are at your wrestling best.Of course my parents had one hell of a time taking care of two nut-cases in a house of sane individuals, also sighted by them as the main reason why we could not keep a pet dog- they already had two Great Danes to take care of .

   These 24 odd years of my life on this planet has been an amazing experience thanks to my wonderful family.My sister has always been there to watch my back when I was in a spot of trouble.I was always there to take care of her minimal needs that she ever has had (compared to my needs in life, her's is a trifling).We never knew or realized that time was passing by so fast and now I have a job which forces me to stay away from home most times of the year.but every time I left home and saw my mom's stifled tears all ready to burst out on the railway station, I just couldn't  bring myself to look at it.I am a strong boy and I dont have so many emotions boiling inside me.But the truth was that I knew once she got home, my forever bubbly sister would be there to cheer her up.But now she too has gone to college and as I was leaving the station today and I looked at those tear laden eyes, I knew they had no place to go back to.No quantum of solace...Just a lonely house with memories of her two kids who have grown up so fast and now live in different cities far far away from the love and care of a mother's paradise.