Recalling all their times together, all the glorious days
For love had been a sweet bitter wine
When the two souls felt together, intertwined
She stayed in a castle and he slept on the sack
They met in the market on a beautiful day
She came in a carriage as a princess may
Her gown was flowing as she waltzed past the crowd
He watched her agape, dazed dazzled and wowed
He carved a ring like only a blacksmith can
The sun reflected dully off the black metal ring
His heart made a promise to make her his queen
As she braided her hair with elegance and grace
Then one night as he stared at the window of the tower
The moon's rays kissed her skin like a meteoric shower
She appeared in white like the goddess of light
The sky lit up as her beauty shunned the night
But there was a sadness in those pretty lil eyes
Her life was a sham, a bed of lies
All he could see was that sweet lovely face
And then he heard the sound of a falling vase
Curious he moved closer to the gate
It was adrenaline that now sealed his fate
Never a warrior but a blacksmith by day
He knew he had to protect her and he swung the hammer all the way
The intruders were few as the mission was simple
"Kill my stepdaughter so my daughter shall become the princess"
As the last one lay down battered bruised or dead
The tears wouldn't stop as her brain was in a nightmare
When he held her hand and did solemnly swear
My queen of hearts I am your ace of Spades
And I will protect you from any danger come what may
She knew men are deceitful, schemers and liars
But those eyes were ablaze with truth and fire
Take me away from this horrible land
Where my mother will kill and bury me in the sand
I wish not to be a princess or a royalty any more
I just want to live this life; travel, wander and explore
Together they broke the shackles of the past
And ran away to a land where only love shall last
To him she was always her queen
He worked he slogged to fulfil her simple dreams
Days turned to months and months to years
The ring shone dully but it's love was hers
As the memories felt bleak and she came back to the present
Only to feel the warm blood of her poor brave pheasant
Villages were raided and men were torched
The task was to kill her and bring back the corpse.
But they knew not the braveheart who swore her protection
The hammer broke the skulls and spirit of the assailants
As the sun shone down on the blood and gore
He saw his princess running to him in tears
Her grief pained him more than the bloody spear
That had pierced his heart right through his chest
He needed to lie down, he needed to rest
As she held his head on her lap and wept
She had given up on life that fateful night
Standing on the tower waiting for her plight
He gave her a reason to live and a heart to fall in love
With arms wrapped around him she saw him smiling above
Up in the sky he was at peace
His face calmed her down and brought some ease
She rested her head and closed those teary eyes
Their union was marked till death do them apart
The bodies were dead but love was in their heart
As they walk the garden of paradise together