We're Over... We are so Over... Just get out of my life you psycho b*^%*...
Who is Happy... In today's world where everything is temporary,momentary and materialistic, do you think true love does exist? People fall in love but soon enough fall out of it too. The cyber age has shown its evil face to the world.Mobiles,chatting,internet,FB,watsapp; these were supposed to connect us to the world and make it a smaller place. Make our virtual presence felt. But it has only disconnected us from what really matters in life. It has made our real life existence pretty virtual. Today, even a toddler knows about love and a teenager has had sex. Thank you technology for enlightening our kids.
So friends, I believe its time we re-enter the real world. Its time we analysed our lives again. Its time we relived our dreams again. Its time we spend more time with the people that really matter.Its time we learnt to forgive. Its time we learnt to love again. Only this time, lets make it forever. Only this time, let there be no Over and Out.