colourful pieces with barely any link with the other piece and yet a beautiful view.
I too wanna travel the world like the protagonist of the movie. I too share a passion for photography but,unlike him, I don't pursue it as a career option. Maybe I'm not too good for it to be paid or maybe I'm just too afraid to drift from the proven path of monetary inflow. Other than that, I too wanna kiss in the sunset, dance with her in the rains, climb the mountains holding her hands and live a simple uncomplicated life.
But life is never a bed of roses. The colourful pieces can never be fully achieved. To achieve one dream, you might have to sacrifice a dearer one. Life is all about compromises. But above all, life is all about living in the moment.
Look back at your life right now. Do you miss your ex-gf/bf, do you miss partying with your old friends, do you regret not having smoked a joint in college, do you regret not having a night out with your friends just to defy the rules, do you miss your parents, your family and regret having wasted that opportunity to bring a smile to their faces. Do you regret having that ugly fight with your mom and not talking to her for days. You were sure you dont need her in your life anymore coz you now lead a life of your own with your friends and she shouldn't bother either. But only when the haze of wilderness is cleared, do you realize what family really means in life. Only when you believe you have moved on, but those memories just flash in your head, do you realize that you made a mistake.