Love comes in each ones life in different packages and intensities. As a kid you are attached to your parents and your siblings. Despite all the sibling rivalry, you realize you cant live without each other. You protect your youngers and seek loads of gifts from your elder bro/sis. It is a bond deeper than any other bond in life. A bond written in blood, signed by the years of togetherness. A mother sacrifices a lot in bringing up a child - from his diaper days to his XL days - and does so out of sheer love for the most prized possession in her life. Hence it is the duty of the kid to reciprocate the love when he has the means to do so. You need not shower her with gifts - keep them for your girlfriends - just a loving gesture or seeking her approval before making big decisions is more than enough to melt her heart.

All these years you were leading a happy single life. All that mattered was just YOU. Two years of being in someone's arms and then you just cant get over it. Why is it that these two years leave an indelible scar for life? Why cant any other form of love ever ever compensate for those times? Why does it make you feel so hollow inside that you start questioning your being???
This is the time for self-introspection. Was not those twenty years reason enough for living just to see your parents smile? Was not the love your sister more important than the female who never understood your love.
No matter how hard you try, ties of blood can never be equaled by any other form of love. And no love is worth dying for if it wasnt worth living a lifetime. Love was never meant for the weak-hearted - its a challenge even for the lion-hearted. And only when you manage to rise and shine despite these losses in life will you become a true warrior. So all those who have loved and lost - once or more - never give up. Coz if those twenty years of love was not reason enough for you to live, then you had no purpose being brought to this world by them. Live for them, to bring a smile to their faces, to feel joy at their pleasures and only then will you truly understand the meaning of LOVE. And who knows - maybe your next true love is just waiting round the corner, waiting for you to find her, lift her in your arms, and walk into the golden horizon of life...