Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Callings in Life

   As a kid, we are made to do many things-some against our wishes.One of them being forced to study.That is where the actual journey begins.The journey of life.We are too small to realize how important a Nursery interview can be.For us its just an occasion to memorize and vomit.But its a moment of great achievement for our parents who look at us with such proud eyes as we come out of that room.They probably expected us to be wailing or having had wet our pants.But we emerge unfazed and unscathed from the battlefield to be greeted by nervous moms and dads.We are asked about the sequence of events that took place in the torture chamber.As we unravel the proceedings of the battle like true bravehearts,we notice our parents swell up in pride to have given birth to such fine creations of the Almighty.And that is the moment we realize why we had to take all the pain to memorize, not cry inside, answer each question carefully and without hesitation- it is for that one moment of pride on our parents face.

   As we grow older and start maturing from mere kids into more responsible children, we do realize that whatever we do in life, its our parent's reputation which is at stake and we need to uphold it at all costs.At times it gets tedious to not commit that naughty little prank on your teacher or not land a blow on the face of that kid who has been constantly trying to bully you.But you know its for a cause...for a good cause.And just like that, you are a kid no more...From that day on, you are a mature guy who is ready to bear the responsibilities of life on his tiny shoulders.


  1. Hmmmm..... I think I know where all that comes from.

  2. My rhetorics are so wasted on you. Bitch!

    Btw, commenting on your status is a pain. Can't you make the blog more receptive to commenting.

  3. Its a simple outlet to my feelings..commenting shud be a piece of cake...
